Thursday, 22 March 2007

1 month 1 week

Today is a good day. Lost 4.2 pounds yesterday after a hard week of feeling down as I had the beginnings of flu and a wisdom tooth extracted! I was able to avoid the dreaded viruses going around at work thanks to the minerals and vitamins in the food packs that we get! Also struggled this week with feelings of being deprived and "how unnatural shakes, soups and food bars are" when all those in the pub around you are eating normal food and "I should (bad word) be able to do that too!" Some crooked thinking me thinks!

I quickly changed my thoughts to " I have chosen this programme and I do not feel hungry and I am not being deprived of what I need and will be able to eat normal food soon". How our thoughts can make us feel! Interesting how that translates into how we behave - traditionally I would have ordered the largest plate of food and stuffed myself and then felt guilty and horrible afterwards. Instead I took another sip of my "lovely" coffee and a gulp of water and smiled! A small victory in the battle against myself! We are doing thought diaries now which is challenging in itself as you really start to understand how negative and hard one can be to one's self. I don't like to delve too deeply as I don't really find analysing everything in too much detail helpful. Recognising something is half way to solving it. I believe quite frankly life is just too short!

We lost one of members from the group this week, which I think was very hard for everyone as we all want each other to succeed. Actually we have been very lucky with 13 members of our group as most of us are still hanging in there. It is difficult having done 2 months of the programme as the weight is not so much the main motivation now, it is more about thinking feeling individuals. This can be very challenging as it means we really need to focus on thoughts, feelings and behaviour and once you open that can of worms a lot of other "stuff" comes out! We are not always ready for it but I say bring it on - it is time to change my life and take control! Here's to a great week one and all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey there Little Sis - Fantastic progress and your photos show us how it is all going ....going....gone!!
Enjoyed reading your blogg comments too! Came across this article which I thought you might find interesting - I especially found the analogy brilliant. I am not in favour of using the word analysis. For me personally this means to evaluate which means to judge which brings up emotions of shame, guilt, fear and anger hence why most people simply don't enjoy the experience of analysing the past. It is hard enough having to take a long hard look - it is terrifying and why because it forces one to face your demons/ unfortunately we usually equate looking in to the past as having to focus on the not so good aspects of ourselves that we would prefer not to be looking to hard at. The word "to Observe" for me is a more compassionate way of looking in the rear view mirror - by looking at one's life as if you were watching a video. Any way here it is for your review/rearview:

When driving, we need to check our rear-view mirror every few minutes to perceive dangers lurking behind — tailgaters, hecklers, over speeding cars, and drivers under the influence. Aside from anticipating threats, it helps us contemplate our next move, giving us enough time to be cautious before overtaking or stopping or . . . slowing down.

So for safety reasons, the rear-view mirror is essential when driving. In life, do we need to review the past to safely navigate the present and future and their unpredictable twists and turns?

Driving the highway of life is constantly accompanied by unforeseeable events. A reliable guide to the present and future is our previous experiences. A good handling of the past can enlighten us well today.

Life’s patterns and perspective, whether productive or not, deserve a second look to determine their usefulness. Past mistakes likewise deserve a review so we can learn from them. An analysis of the past helps us see our strength in coping with challenges, losses, and defeats. In a significant way, a life review teaches valuable lessons better than a classroom. How can you benefit from the past?

Review your life every few weeks or months. Some people even benefit from a daily review.

Check for patterns, habits, attitudes, behavior, and mindset that are counterproductive.
Correct those unproductive ways of living your life. Do you need to change your life’s perspective? Please do so and do it quick.

Learn from these reviews. These lessons can’t be acquired through expensive formal education.

Who needs a rear-view mirror? All of us! Only those who don’t want positive change will do otherwise. Remember, living a life is more important than driving.

Life is the product of actions and reactions interwoven in our daily existence. Life therefore requires a meticulous review of the past.

(me again)Have you ever caught yourself saying: "why the bleep does this keep happening to me"? I have done this heaps - less so nowadays.I knew I was being tapped on the shoulder by life letting me know I still have something to learn. I know of one true constant for as long as I am alive the past exists - it is there to serve as a learning opportunity and nothing more. Unfortunately we as human beings tend to not always perceive the opportunity presented. We attract (key word)all kinds of people in to our lives....Some people reflect the aspects I do enjoy about myself (they are my support for my growth)and others refelct the aspects I don't like (usually we don't want these sorts of people because "they make us feel uncomfortable/unsafe etc" - it is from these people I have the most to learn from, about myself. Wishing you a great exploration - here's to waking up to yourself - for it can only support you in your transformation - omg yudder yudder yudder - strewth lots of love xxx