Saturday 3 March 2007

Started a new chapter in my pursuit

Joined Lighter Life 5 days ago! What a programme - tough but necessary! Just started my first ever blog so bear with me on how it goes.Lighter life is a food abstinance diet that you follow for 100 days where you eat no food! No I wont starve even though I feel like I am! I am not hungry but just want food - natural behaviour of a human, but in my case too much of a good thing. You get "food packs" which give you everything you need to maintain a healthy existance while loosing loads of weight.So I will make this short and sweet as I have to dash off to join the rest of household for dinner with my soup for this evening. So far it has been great and in 5 days I have lost a staggering 12 pounds! Great !!!!!!! Believe me it has not been easy as in physically it has been ok but mentally it has been hectic! Have loads of extra time on my hands as I am not making breakfast, lunch or dinner, so bored -problem! Nothing to do but think - not good for one trying to keep mind active on not thinking about food.Telling myself to hang in there - only 95 more days to go - one day at a time! Happy now as dinner is ready.Chow for now. Hee hee!

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