Finally I have reached another goal - 3 STONE or 19kg lighter! Funny this time I don't feel so excited about it. It is probably because I now EXPECT to lose weight every week? I don't want to down play the fact that I have reached another goal I set myself (and have lost a 5th of my body weight), but it seems less important than the challenge of sticking to something with such intense dedication and motivation.

My attention has gone from weight loss to dealing with my thoughts, feelings and behaviour and the potential of "lapsing" which is now something our whole group is dealing with. It's the issue of being "perfect" in the way we deal with our lives when perfection does not really exist. We put so much pressure on ourselves and if we are not we might as well give up and pig out! I have learnt that life will always throw challenges to test us and it is how we chose to deal with those "knocks" in life that is important. You can either give up entirely because you can say to yourself "I always fail at these types of things" or you could chose to say" I lapsed and have learnt from it and now I want to get straight back onto the programme and continue my progress". It is all about choices at the end of the day.
I joined the gym this week which was great as well as starting a Pilates course with some of the girls from the group. So now I have a variety of exercise to help tone and increase my fitness. Unfortunately I have now come down with a dose of flu which will hopefully go soon! Typical whenever I start exercising I always get the flu - one of those little challenges life throws at us.
Here are some more photo's of my progress so hopefully you can now see that my waist is returning (very happy about this). I am trying to keep the photo's consistent so that you can see the comparison but the trousers I was wearing in the last ones do not fit any more so I have had to buy smaller ones - what can I say?! Enjoy.....................
Well done!! And the pictures are amazing! You can really see the difference. In empathy I decided to only have soups and shakes last week and lasted one day. So I really admire your perseverance and dedication to this project. The results are outstanding - so it's worth it. Keep going. You can do it!
What a difference, T. Stomach flatter as well, and a definate wasteline. Keep it up. From what I could also make out, your face is looking so much thinner too.
Just seen your pics posted 17th,
can now really see the difference.
Keep going girl!
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