My pursuit of happiness has finally completed its first chapter! In my final weigh in on the last week of the second part of the programme, I have reduced my weight by 5 stone! I was 64.8 pounds when I started the Route to Management programme, which is the final part of the process. Having had the last 3 months to reintroduce food I have reduce my weight by a further 5.2 pounds and am now fully back onto all foods including chocolates! I had lost 5 stone by week 3 on the RTM programme and over the last 9 weeks have put on a few and lost a few but mostly maintained my weight. I have lost a total of 28 inches from my whole body which is phenomenal! Gone from a size 22/24 to a size 16/14.
The pics on the left are on the day I started the Foundation programme on the 17th January 2007. The pics on the right are from the day I finished the RTM programme on the 24th July 2007. 188 days or just over 6 months in total with an average weight reduction of 2.6 pounds per week! Now I know a few people said when I started this programme that I shouldn't lose weight too quickly. 2.6 pounds a week isn't too quick - I think it is very reasonable. Admittedly most of it came off in the first 100 days. This I believe is why this programme has been so successful for me. Rapid weight reduction in the beginning to keep you focused and motivated and allow you opportunity of focusing on what the REAL course of the weight problem - MY THOUGHTS and EMOTIONS! The bad eating habits and choices were learnt over time through lack of knowledge and bad habits picked up my whole life.
The biggest challenge of all is the one in front of me now. I still would like to reduce my weight by another stone. My main reason for this is the fact that it will give me a buffer when I do fall and pick up the additional pounds which will inevitably happen. Also my BMI is still in the unhealthy range and I would like to get fitter and healthier. Therefore I will be having a one-to-one with my councillor tomorrow to discuss my next goal on how to achieve this without making any more drastic changes to my life. I am happy to take the next 5 months to achieve this and then this will be the 2nd chapter or my pursuit to happiness completed. The last and final chapter will be to keep my weight maintained at 13 stone or below for a year at least.
This is my last weekly blog as I will now update every 2-4 weeks on my progress and new things we will be learning in our weekly sessions. The great thing about Lighter Life is they are happy to continue giving you support (for no charge) as long as you feel you need it. I can go to the weekly sessions to get weighed, learn from the counselling sessions and keep my focus on my goal. They are an organisation that really understand weight problems and care enough to keep supporting one for as long as you need them too. I am eternally grateful for this programme and to the fantastic people I have met over the last 6 months. I have made great friends and learnt many new life changing processes. I am really looking forward to embracing my new found confidence, energy and enthusiasm and I hope you will continue the journey with me.
Thank you to my family, friends and colleagues who have all paid a very large part in this successful story of just one person's life who's entire existence has changed forever! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your constant encouragement, support and most of all faith and confidence in me, that I could achieve what I have done! Please continue sending your e-mails and checking back with me in the coming year as your comments and support mean the world! Here's to a fantastic year ahead! x x