Tuesday, 5 June 2007

A bit long in the tooth!

Sorry to all you hard going blog watchers who want constant updates, I have been a little down in the mouth or long in the tooth or something similar these past couple of weeks! I got the dreaded 'flu' so have been a little out of action.

I have also had a struggle making sure that I stick to the programme! For the most part I have been really good but with the flu and taking cough mixture (full of sugar) didn't stick too well for a couple of days. Also needed some carbs to settle the stomach as nothing else would help but got back onto the band wagon and thankfully didn't gain any weight over it!

Our group is struggling a bit at the moment as we are feeling demotivated, confused and let down. This is mostly due to such a diverse group with many people at very different stages of Route to Management, that the councilling is less specific and therefore not as focused. I think that you need a good councillor to facilitate this CHANGE which unfortunately you will not always get. It isn't easy to settle into a new mixed group if not only the dynamics of the groups change but you are also going through the most challenging times within the whole programme. What I have learnt is that you should question and challenge ideas or situations where you are not happy. One shouldn't complain and then do nothing about it, as this is about us at the end of the day and we pay money to get a certain level of what we believe, are the standards of services we expect. But then you realise that you are dealing with human nature. There are those that can deal with potential conflict or uneasy situations better than others. Then you get those who know how to manipulate the situation so that you never really get an solution and just more excuses of why things have to be a certain way even though it isn't working for US! Now that I have that off my chest, I believe in walking the talk..........................So what we have done to compensate this present situation is have additional 'table top' counselling by getting together outside of our weekly meeting and discuss how we are feeling and what is happening with going back onto certain foods. The more nitty gritty side of things! I believe this part of the programme is the most important and therefore if anything we should have far more focused counselling focusing on new challenges (which of course the book that we have given does) to really support the changes we are going through. Therefore lesson learnt - chose your group well and make sure that your councillor is what expect them to be.

We met up with some of the people from our group who carried on on the food abstinence part of the programme called Development. 4 week blocks of continued Foundation programme. Wow did they look great! Like me they had further weight reductions to achieve but I decided not to continue on the abstinence programme as the NICE (National Institute for Clinical Excellence) recommends your should only do this type of programme for 12/14 weeks maximum. Now I know why........not only does it take quite a long time for your body to readjust to eating again - minimum 7 weeks, but mentally you will struggle much more when having to go back on eating food again. The fear of putting all the weight back on is very real and when you have been off food for so long, it can be VERY scary and the change can be more than some people are able to deal with. So think carefully before you decide to carry on longer than the recommended 12/14 weeks! There is a REASON for NICE's recommendations. At the end of the day it is each individuals choice but make sure that you make an informed choice and that you can deal with the potential outcome.

Now for the good news, we are week 6 of RTM and I have lost 7 pounds since I started this side of the programme. Just over a pound a week which I believe is reasonable. I have to say that obviously eating food once more has a direct impact on my weight reduction compared to other people on the group. Some have already lost another stone so a word of warning - if you reach your goal weight in Foundation or in Development (for those of you who have started the programme) you WILL reduce your weight further on RTM and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. They say that this part of the programme is not for weight loss but you will continue to lose weight (even if you do pick up a pound here or there).

Life is getting back to normal now and I am feeling the emotional pressure! Not planning my meals, letting emotional issues rule what I am eating and all those previous challenges have returned once more! You have to keep on top of it as it is very easy to just slip back into old habits. Remembering to drink your water is also not a priority anymore and I am having to really make sure that I am continuing to do this! The main reason being that we are allowed to drink alcohol now so mentally you just change one for the other - not a good idea! I am definitely going to have to watch the drinking thing as I think this is probably my 'trigger'. Not to say that I shouldn't have one every now and then but I can't drink like I used to and anyway it just isn't that good for you any more! Another thing that is pestering me at the moment is I have had my periods now for 3 long weeks and am exhausted as I have had PMT for that time too. It would appear that it takes your body a long time to adapt back to normal routine - up to 6 months I have been told! So lots going on! I really need all the support I can get as I still have another 6 weeks to go and as the weeks continue so we add in more of the 'trigger' type foods so keep those comments and e-mails coming!

As I have been feeling large, bloated and really sickly lately, I haven't done any photo's but I promise this Friday I will post some more 'black' pic's so that you can see where I am at. Challenging week ahead as really need to refocus on the programme and get these negative experiences out of my system and just focus on what is working for me!

Would love to hear from those of you who have started the programme or are about to! Take care and will update on Friday again!


[J]ourney [T]o [A] [L]ighter [L]ife said...

Hi ya

You dont no me but i came accross your site on some lighterlife review thing. Have to say you done amazing!! I started LL 2 weeks ago and am now just lookin forward to 3 months time! You have done amazing and your blog has reali helped me decide! Good luck with the management! x

Anonymous said...

Karen xx said...
Hello Tamar,

I have just reached the 50 day milestone on the Lighter Life programme and I have so far lost just over a stone! I have looked on the web for comments on Lighter Life and just happened came across your page. You are a fantastic inspiration and I am so impressed with your stamina and will power. Seeing what you have acheived gives me the belief that I can and will reach my goal too.

Thank you for sharing your story - good luck for the future.

Karen xx

Unknown said...

Hi Karen and the other LL starter. Thank you both for your great comments and well done to both of you for starting this life changing experience. Karen you said 50 days or should it be 5 days? If it is 5 days and you have lost just over a stone that is brilliant! Keep it up - fantastic!! Please keep in contact and let me know how you are getting on! It keeps me focused and encouraged to know that other people are benefiting from my experiences and I also benefit from hearing how you are doing and other blogs that I am always reading. It certainly helps to keep one on track! Come back soon as my 'black outfit' pictures will be up in the next few days. All the very BEST!

Anonymous said...

Hey Tamar, you're looking wonderful...I've told just about everyone back home about your progress and your inspiration to others. Just remember, you've done exceptionally well, girlfriend...you're looking awesome. And whether you lose another 5 or 10 can only get better...those last few will be the best. Thinking about you, keep it up. Take Care. Vanessa ps....will somebody back there please turn on the fucking heater. It's freezing back here(SA)