I learnt something new today - a wise woman I met at a fare pointed out that the word "loss" means to lose something which is usually associated with a negative feeling or action. So I have decide to no longer use this word "loss" when associating it to my weight. I have gained so much and "lost" nothing except excess weight and all kinds of harmful health problems - which are positive things. A little saying I found "Within every loss lies the opportunity for gain and new beginnings." I will now use the word shed, departure, release, fall, reduction, emission and discharge - strange but probably more appropriate!
Here are the before and after pictures we were presented with. I probably should have worn trousers so that you could really compare but I think you get the point.

I feel wonderful! I wouldn't say that these are the most flattering pictures so when I have finished the next stage of the programme - 3 months - I am having a photo shoot done and will then hopefully have some really great shots to post.
As a group we have experience a weight reduction of over 430 pounds which means almost 3 whole average size people! Really amazing. Everyone shed at least 3 stone or more which I think is fantastic and why Lighter Life guarantees it!
Wednesday was also a sad time as this is when the group splits up into different groups, those that are continuing the food abstinence, those that are going onto route to management (which I am doing) and those that will leave the programme. I believe the next stage of the programme is probably the most difficult and by far the most challenging! We get to start eating conventional food again so it will be interesting to see how that works out.
That's it for now - I will post some more black outfit pics next week and share some interesting facts that I am researching at the moment regarding eating plans that are current available in the market place and how GI has moved onto GL.
I know I keep saying this but thank you sooooooooooo much to all my friends, family, work colleagues, group members and to strangers who have responded to my blogs, for all your love and support. I could not have done this without you!
I leave you with a few more summer shots and will catch up with you next week.

Stunning. Just stunning. And I'm love love lovin the outfits!
B E A U T I F U L!
The outfits are quite lovely on you and very flattering! I love the top and skirt (my kinda look) and love the beautiful patterns on the other blouse with the white trousers. Where did you get them?
Daisy saw these pictures and said "wow beautiful lady what's her name mummy?" - she didn't even recognise you!
In my own experience in becoming a healthier person -I have come to understand one thing about making changes to my health and well being - to know that there really is no way to “complete” this goal, it is an ongoing way of life.
You grabbed the opportunity and you are learning to become the change!
In general I beleive most of us as a society tend to be goal orientated - we do things to get results, and forget to focus on enjoying the process.
You have got the momentum going and you are seeing the results Enjoying the whole process will go a long way to getting back in touch with your body.
In my opinion, the fear of putting back on the weight once your goal is achieved is very real. Statistically there is only a small percentage of people who manage to keep it off - why only a small percentage? This has do with original motivation for starting a weightloss regime - it appears most people approach is to loose weight and most do loose only to put it back on again. Why does this happen? Because their motivation was to loose weight - their focus was difinitive. For the those that managed to keep it off has largely been due to the original motivation which had not necessarily been about being fat or being thin but about being healthy and how to learn to be healthy - Their focus wasn't definitive.
You are learning how to create life changing behaviours that will sustain your health and well being. I can imagine that you know only too weel that it is one thing to know how to do something. It is quite another thing to put in to action - the resulting experience: is what hopefully teaches us to understand the difference. I can't advocate enough the impact of visualisation and affirmations. I read recently, that it isn't so much as a goal as it is the vision of where you want to be - if you have clarity about your vision and the way it feels: then how you get there will come automatically.
Value what you are doing everyday and have the courage to learn from the slip ups too.
Lots of love to you sweatpea!
"Self-esteem is the foundation upon which we build our lives; it's the primary tool for the motivation to change."
Hi Tamaravitch,
Many congrats on your achievement. The difference is absolutely amazing, can't believe the photos! Just shows you, don't it, that when you put your mind to something you can achieve it. My sympathies to Mario, he will have to 'ask for his money back' as you are only half the woman he married!
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