A friend just sent me this picture from last year around September I think - I can't believe the difference!!!
This will be my last week on the 100 day food abstinence programme - the easy part! Lost another 2.4 pounds this week, even though my time of the month has come again! UGH......this programme can play havoc with your body! Not a great time to have 2 in one month as I really wanted to lose 4st7lbs in 100 days. I have 4.5 pounds to lose this week which will probably not be possible as I'm retaining water! Anyway 4 stone was my original goal and I have done better than that, so now any extra is a bonus! Now for some a size 16 (which is now very comfortable - roll on size 14!)is still a large size but with my height and build, it doesn't look like I need to lose another 3 stone overweight but looks more like I could lose just a few pounds. This is dangerous for me, as I said before, as you don't really see the weight creeping back on, so have learnt my lesson here!
Next week we have our final weigh in and measurements as well as our "after pictures" done - we have to get all dressed up - can't wait. It will really be interesting to visually see the difference. I will post them on the blog. I will do my black top and trouser shots too so that you can see how much I have lost.
I am excited about going onto the next stage of the programme but apprehensive at the same time. I do still have another 3 stone to lose and you get quite addicted to the feeling that you are losing weight each week. This will stop in the next phase of the programme as not only will I start to slow the weight loss down tremendously but I could even pick up a few (this is due to your body re-adjusting itself to conventional food). During the next 3 months the "fat stores" around your organs that are necessary for survival need to be replaced therefore I could pick up a few pounds. Having read a few other "blogs" of people who have gone onto Route to Management, it was evident that they went through many ups and downs and really needed support far more so than during the first 100 days. As you come out of "ketosis" by eating any conventional food, which is the state that the body is in now - eating itself, natural hunger will return!
By the end of the 3 months to follow, I am hoping to have lost between 5 and 6 stone or around 35-40kgs. My wonderful husband has promised to pay for a trip to America once I have reached 5 stone weight loss - so I have told him he had better start planning now as I am not too far off it! He is away at the moment and I am missing him so much - not felt quite this alone for a while as he has been my rock through each day.
Working from home two days a week can be challenging if you have done all your work and are not stuffing your face with either breakfast, lunch or dinner! Boredom I think plays the biggest role in excessive weight gain for me and so I am looking for other things that I can be doing such as exercise, visiting friends, movies, gardening etc. to try and keep me busy. I really do need to find hobbies that are long term so that it keeps me occupied!
One major benefit I am having from this whole process is what other people are getting from my "pursuit of happiness" blog. I have had a number of people that I have never met before e-mail me to find out more about what I am doing. If my blog can inspire just one other person to also take charge of their life and receive just some of the benefits I have from this whole process, it makes it even more worthwhile! I will keep saying this as I believe the sharing of our challenges in life and the support and encouragement we can offer each other, is key to success of programmes such as Lighter Life. It is not just what we get during our weekly sessions but the " kitchen table counselling" we do! So keep commenting and e-mailing as this more than anything keeps us focused and on track! One more week to go!!!!!!
yes, you inspired me and because of that I am starting my lighterlife journey from Monday 23rd April... so last weekend of eating food.
I am going to also keep a blog as I think, as you do, that it if inspires one person then that would be brilliant.
Sorry you're missing your husband at the moment but he'll be back soon and then you'll be booking America when you get to your goal!! Well done!! and I will certainly keep logging on and reading your updates.
Amazing amazing amazing. I have always admired your focused, pro-active, determined approach to business and now you have applied these skills to your personal life and just look at the results!!!
I have a pic to send you so you can see how far you've come!!!
Well done you!!! You're amazing, and I love the comments you're getting. You've helped alot of people I think (including me!)
Well I'm off this afternoon to go jump! YAY! Weather not as good as yesterday though - poo. Oh well....
Have a great weekend hon!
Debs xx
Tamar, wow girlfriend...what an accomplishment...I could not resist telling everyone that I know that you know, what you've done, and how great you're looking....continue with your life changing new found habits, you've inspired us all, and always take care of you. Love Vanessa (SA)
Thank you all for your great comments! I was astonished to see probably for the first time what a difference this programme has done for me physically. I know that sounds weird but looking at this recent picture a friend sent through and comparing it to the way I look now - even I can't believe it! Much more to come I promise and again thank you all for your wonderful support!!
Just wanted to say 'Good Luck' tonight at final weigh in.. I'll be thinking of you and can't wait to hear result.
Thanks for all your helpful comments on my blog.. I really appreciate it.
I'm not having a great day today... only day 2 and starving!! but not giving in.. that isn't even an option.
But thanks for your support... because it does help.
I feel a bit desperate today... dunno why.. I think you're right about the 'oh my god - I won't eat another thing' for 98 days!! bit scary.
BUT I will perceviere and get myself another shake.... and some more water. Sure I'll feel better later.
Good luck tonight!! not that you need luck but hope it goes well and sure you'll look GORGEOUS DARH'LIN....
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